10 practical tips on how to embrace loneliness

We all have those days when we just want to be by ourselves but are not quite sure on how to utilize our time to relax and feel better.
Some of us spend our day off from school or work by literally doing nothing! Partly, one of the main reasons for misinterpreting boredom to loneliness, don’t you think?
Statistics show that about 50% of the Indian population is experiencing loneliness while the other half feels, “Is there a better time than now to celebrate myself and me-time?”
Loneliness or boredom! Read through this article for some amazing ideas, to benefit you and make your day a beautiful one.

1. Take yourself on a date
We often plan special days for others and some of us are so good at it. Why not put the same effort and plan one for yourself? Go to that movie, your favorite dinner spot, or even that cup of coffee from a place you always wanted to try. Pamper yourself, coz you deserve it!
2. Start your dream project
Have that one thing in mind you wanted to do, but nobody encouraged it? Now’s the time to place in your efforts and restart that dream project. One advantage of being alone is that nobody can discourage you! So pat your own shoulder and get to work.
3. Consider adopting a pet
Research shows that there are many benefits to getting a pet. Moreover, pets are often cute, entertaining, and offer you companionship. If you feel that you would like another living being to share your space, consider adopting a pet! Based on the US Department of Health and Human Services, there are numerous health benefits of human-animal interactions, which are discussed intimately in their article ‘The Power of Pets’ in February 2018. (Google it, worth the read!)
4. Plan for the longer term
It’s time to put your daydreaming skills to good use. Studies have shown that considering your future can make life seem more meaningful. With nobody to disturb you, plow ahead and convert your dream into a workable plan.
The University of California, Greater Good magazine, also acknowledged in a piece of writing last year, that brooding about the longer-term makes life more meaningful. Write this as per the apa format
5. Practice self-love
When you are living with a group of individuals, you tend to place yourself last. If you’re alone, then you’re within the right place to enjoy some self-love. Treat yourself to a favorite food, enjoy an old hobby, or spend time getting to know yourself better.
6. Become a volunteer
If you’re alone and require social interaction, volunteering would be a relevant choice. Volunteering to assist others offers many mental and physical health benefits. Moreover, this is your “go-to” move if you feel the need to interact with others, experience something new, and polish your skills. In addition, your volunteering experience will contribute to your educational or professional resume.
As per an article published within the US National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine in 2017, volunteering to assist others was significantly associated with better health outcomes. Apa format
7. Cherish every interaction
Although being social isn’t such a bad thing, make sure your loneliness isn’t driving you to make connections with too many people. You can practice with one interaction at a time and cherish it thoroughly. This way you’ll get to understand the person well, reflect on how you contribute to every other’s lives, or maybe do new things together rather than communicating with a bunch of people to sway your time.
8. Connect regularly with the community
Find ways to be together with your neighbors, relatives, and colleagues and plan a few activities if needed. Worldwide studies have shown that social participation is directly linked to mental wellbeing. Further, it will make sure you’ve got people that look out for you and vice versa, at the time of need.
Research done by the Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries, Government of Australia has strongly indicated that participation in social or group activities can provide mental and physical benefits.
9. Strengthen your relationships
Use your alone time to bond with your friends. You don’t have to necessarily schedule a time to connect with your peers. Instead, call them up or even drop a text saying you’re thinking of them, could go a long way. We live in a busy world, so drop that ego and take the initiative. Who knows? An impromptu plan for a weekend getaway could come out of this!
10. Reach out for support
Many mental health organizations highlight the role of social support in improving one’s psychological state. Help is being offered everywhere, every door is open to you, and you’re allowed to choose which door you wish to enter!
Ensure that when you feel low or bored, reach out to someone via a text or a call.
Mental Health America, a number one organization in promoting mental health, reported that 71% of people searched for social support in times of stress. In reference to these findings, they also summarized the various benefits of social support for the citizenry.
Don’t be afraid to seek for help
Sometimes, all the self-care, exercise, and gratitude lists within the world aren’t enough to shake off feelings of sadness or loneliness; this might indicate a deeper underlying problem. Once you see symptoms like stress, depression, loneliness, and anxiety, don’t wait long. We at CareMe Health are just a click away.
At CareMe Health, we offer online counseling/therapy and psychiatrist consultation. We will help you achieve your goals towards a healthier and happier life with the simplest virtual medical care. Our services are affordable, efficient and user friendly.